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Various Possible Situations of Cigars in Cigar Humidors and Their Corresponding Causes and Solutions

For cigar lovers, a cigar humidor is more than just a storage solution; it is an essential tool to ensure the quality, flavor and longevity of their precious cigars. Below we will introduce the various conditions that may occur to cigars in the cigar humidor and their corresponding causes and solutions.


Possible causes and solutions for cigars becoming damp

1 – Cigars are stored too close to the humidifier, especially when using a tray. 

This can be improved by storing cigars close to the humidifier in an aluminum tube or increasing the distance between the cigars and the humidifier. If it is a small cigar humidor, a layer of cedar chips/boards can be inserted in the cigar humidor between the cigars and the humidifier.

2 – The evaporation surface of the humidifier is too large for the size of the cigar humidor. 

Cover part of the evaporation surface with tape or choose a smaller humidifier, or install an active humidifier with airflow function.

3 – If your cigar humidor is too humid, here are some steps to restore balance:

Remove the humidification source and let it sit for a few hours or overnight;

If the cigars are too humid, remove them from the cigar humidor and dry them out – store them in an empty wooden cigar humidor for a day or two. Emptying the box will help remove excess moisture from the cigars, but do it gradually;

Place a pen or pencil under the lid of the cigar humidor to open a crack and allow excess moisture to dissipate gradually;

When humidity returns to normal levels (65-70% RH), return the humidification source and cigars to the cigar humidor.


wholesale wooden cigar humidor

Possible causes and solutions for cigars that are too dry


1 – The evaporative surface of the humidifier is too small for the size of the cigar humidor. 

Choose a larger humidifier, or install an actively regulated humidification system with airflow (it is normal for the humidity to drop when adding more cigars to the box. A good cigar humidor will maintain the desired humidity within four to five percentage points as long as it is maintained regularly).


2 – The wood in a new cigar humidor is still dry and absorbs moisture from the air. 

Wipe the cigar box lining with a damp cloth every 2 to 3 hours to rehumidify the wood. Once you get consistent readings in the 65-70% RH range, you can store the cigars in the box again.


3 – Someone gave you a box of cigars as a gift and they (accidentally) dried out, and when you put them in the cigar humidor, they will absorb a disproportionate amount of moisture. 

Consider placing all dry cigars in a Ziploc bag with Boveda packaging for a few weeks, or until they are fully humidified, before transferring them to the cigar humidor. Adequately humidified cigars will not disturb the humidity level in the box.

Perform cigar humidor maintenance by refilling the humidifier/tank with distilled water or propylene glycol when humidity drops below 60 degrees. If using Boveda wrappers, replace them when they become hard and dry (Boveda wrappers can be used for 2 to 6 months, depending on the number of cigars stored).

Cigar humidor has both wet spots and dry areas

Possible causes and solutions

1 – The tray blocks the even distribution of moisture in the air. Remove the tray and ensure that the air holes above/below the humidifier remain clear. Install an active humidifier with airflow.

2 – Drawers in cabinet cigar humidors block moisture distribution. Remove some drawers, move the humidifier to the back wall of the cabinet, and store cigars in the box.

3 – Storing too many cigars restricts the distribution of humidity. The number of cigars stored should be less than the maximum capacity of the cigar humidor. It is best to leave 20% to 25% of the space in your cigar humidor free to allow air and moisture to circulate easily. For example, if your cigar humidor can hold 25 cigars, store no more than 20.

4 – Using the wrong wood. Spanish cedar is the best wood for humidifying cigars for the following reasons↓

Maintains consistent humidity and temperature:

Like many other woods, Spanish cedar will not warp, weaken, rot or crack when exposed to moisture and fluctuating temperatures over time. Spanish cedar humidors can absorb large amounts of moisture without affecting the integrity of their structure. When a Spanish cedar humidor is humidified, the wood expands and the seal tightens, creating a good and consistent environment for the cigars inside the box.

cigar humidor box free design

Improves the flavor of your cigars as they age:

Not only does Spanish cedar keep your cigars fresh, but they taste better over time. Because Spanish cedar reacts positively with the oils in premium tobaccos, it preserves their natural flavor and encourages their flavor to evolve over time.

Prevents Cigar Beetle Outbreaks:

Spanish cedar prevents cigar beetle outbreaks, which occurs when humidity and temperature reach a point where eggs can hatch. Tobacco beetles and termites are dissuaded by the piney, fragrant aroma that Spanish cedar gives off.

There is a musty smell in the cigar humidor. Possible causes and solutions

There are two main causes of musty smells: either the humidity level is too high for a long period of time - the passive humidification system cannot maintain a constant and low enough air humidity for a long time, which may lead to mold growth (which is not the same as cigar flowering), or unsuitable materials are used in the construction of the cigar humidor.

In this case, regular ventilation of the cigar humidor can prevent the formation of musty smells, because it reduces the level of excessive air humidity and allows the musty smell caused by the use of unsuitable materials to escape from the cigar humidor, but unfortunately at the expense of the loss of cigar aroma. As for the treatment of the cigar humidor itself: wipe the cigar humidor with a damp cloth, sand it with fine sandpaper and remove all dust. Or wipe it with vodka (it will not kill mold, but it is an effective way to clean the surface).

Then dry the cigar humidor with a hair dryer for at least 30 minutes, making sure to heat the entire cigar humidor thoroughly (heat it to more than 50°C - this effectively kills mold).